Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sami Direct CoQ Energizer™ For Cellular Bio-energizer

Company Profile:
Sami Direct is supported by its very own R&D facility- SAMI LABS LTD., located in Bangalore. This state-of-the-art, multi-disciplinary division pursues diverse fields of research with over 120 scientists focusing all efforts towards creating effective and safe products. With six highly advanced cutting-edge manufacturing units adhering to the strictest quality and safety standards, Sami Direct ensures that the highest quality of products are being produced.

Sami Labs has created a benchmark for standardized herbal medicines globally. With six highly advanced, state-of-the-art manufacturing units, which adhere to the strictest quality and safety norms, Sami Labs focuses all its efforts towards creating effective and safe products.

Every facility is in compliance with local rules and regulations. All effluent streams are treated and disposed off significantly. Reflecting the internal system of quality and regulatory requirements, the facilities are certified by National Sanitary Foundation of USA and the Orthodox Union (Kosher) of USA.

Its Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) registration is just one of the many aspects that reflect the company’s commitment to high quality and customer satisfaction.

                                          Sami Direct CoQ Energizer™

Cellular Bio-energizeCoQ Energizer is an effective energy supplement that boosts energy levels naturally. It contains safe and potent ingredients like Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin E and BioPerine which increases endurance and enhances physical as well as mental stamina for people who constantly feel tired and sluggish. It also supports cardiovascular functions, improves the immune system and the body’s natural healing processes. CoQ Energizer improves exercise tolerance and athletic performance, enhances healthy skin, hair and nails and supports healthy ageing and longevity.
Cellular Bio-energizer:
CoQ10 is a component of the electron transport chain and participates in aerobic cellular respiration. It is involved in generating energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate). 95% of the human body’s energy is generated this way. Those organs with the highest energy requirements-such as the heart, liver and kidney - have the highest CoQ10 concentrations. It is logical to conclude that a deficiency in coenzyme Q10 in any of the body's cells would affect cellular functions, metabolic processes and energy generation. Dr. Peter Mitchell was awarded the 1978 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his discovery of the chemiosmotic mechanism of ATP Synthesis which includes the vital role of Coenzyme Q 10 in the body's energy systems.

Key Benefits*
·  Supports vitality and energy levels
·  Supports a healthy immune system and resistance to stress and infections
·  Supports improved exercise tolerance and athletic performance
·  Effects "Beauty from within" supporting healthy skin,hair and nails
·  Supports healthy ageing and longevity
·  Helps in prevention of loss of muscle tone,when given as an adjunct therapy along with cholesterol lowering products
·  Immunity enhancer-Prevents recurrence of frequent cold & viral infections
·  CoQ Energizer is responsible for 95% of body's energy production 

CoQ Energizer is a proprietary blend of Sami Direct containing Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin E and the absorption enhancer *Bioperine®.
*Patented : US & International Patents
Suggested Use Level : 1 Softgel twice a Day
Packsize : 30 Softgels

If any one want to buy Sami Direct Products & willing to join & earn extra income as well as get monthly incentives & get profit by selling Sami Direct products too. Also we have Global Home Base Business Opportunity (in part time Extra Income) for working and non working person. Please contact me Ring @ 09958933948, 07838224736

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